À l’affiche de la première journée du festival, sous-titrée avec justesse «Now Sounds Of Jazz », on trouve d’abord Roman Korolik Group (RKG). Cette nouvelle formation propose un jazz qui trouve ses influences du côté du Pat Metheny Group pour l’énergie et de Bill Frisell pour son aspect parfois plus "blues éthéré". Balades swinguantes et romantiques, morceaux plus rugueux et élaborés étayent un set rondement mené entre jazz fusion et post bop. Au-delà du jeu très maîtrisé, efficace, indispensable et pourtant sobre du leader, il faut souligner les brillantes interventions de Dirk Schreurs au piano. Son toucher lumineux et parfois incisif, se marie très bien aux explosions sèches du batteur Jan Servaes. Un groupe très attachant dont il faudra suivre l’évolution (Citizen Jazz Magazine, France)
RKG est un intéressant quartet. On pense un peu au Pat Metheny Group mais aussi à Bill Frisell parfois. Le quartette se balade entre fusion et post-bop mais glisse aussi légèrement funky par moments (Jazzques Magazine, France)
Shot on DV, Minds of Glass is a unique collection of montages showing abstract paintings/animations cut to new age-sounding music, lots of great keyboard sounds etc. Looks pretty good and the music fits the imagery pretty well for a calm and soothing atmosphere. Very unique, overall great job! Very interesting! (New York International Independent Film and Video Festival Board, USA)
Belgian jazz pianist Dirk Schreurs saw a reflection of the evolution of his compositions in the work of the Argentine Marta Graciela Bressi and vice versa. This project is not only highly original by the way in which it was created but also by the use of different mediums to get to the final result (The Argentimes, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
I viewed your videos on the Minds of Glass website. The paintings are sublime with such a fine feel for color - and it is really wonderful to see how the perspective of the works changes with the sounds, transitions and modulations. Congratulations on exploring all these directions (Philip Noyed, art director of Artzeal, Minnesota, USA)
Incredible resume and music! Your compositions truly hit my soul. I will definitely visit your page continuously for guidance just by listening! (Imani Zubeh, keyboardist with Greg Phillingaines and Anita Baker, Fuoka, Japan)
Thank you for the link to your Prophet 12 pieces, I very much enjoyed them. (Carson Day at Dave Smith Instruments, San Francisco, USA)